Home Remedies for vitiligo
How safe are Home Remedies for Vitiligo Treatment
Curing Vitiligo in 30 Days !! Fact or Fiction?
The promise of instantaneous cure for vitiligo in just 30 days might sound captivating, but it is much essential to be cautious before approaching towards such claims.
Vitiligo is a complex skin disorder determined by factors far and away from the skin's surface. While some treatments may show few positive outcomes in a month, a personalized and holistic approach is crucial as per customized needs of an individual.
Consultation with a Vitiligo Specialist to determine a customized treatment plan is necessary.
Vitiligo is considered all time disturbing disease. The complex nature of vitiligo requires proper treatment by a qualified doctor. The Home remedies for vitiligo cannot assure cure and sometimes it acts adverse in a way to spread more.
As a responsible Ayurvedic clinic Ayurhealthline do not recommend use of unknown and common home remedies for vitiligo but it guides the sufferers in a way to get encouraging results of its vitiligo treatment by doing some add on things during treatment.
Following are some important facts that have to be followed in vitiligo to prevent it from rapid spreading and to provide pigmentation:
Use of Moisturizers – It is important to take care of your normal skin and vitiligo affected skin. Gentle moisturizers should be used on dry skin areas which can protect the skin from scars. Preventing dryness and scars will minimize formation of new white spots on that area.
Sunscreen Lotions – Generally day time sun exposure should be avoided in vitiligo but in case of outdoors the use of Sun screen lotion over exposed areas of skin is mandatory. Sunscreen lotions used should be of SPF 30 or more.
Avoiding Scratch, Cut and Burn – Vitiligo can be associated with Leucoderma in most of the cases in which the sufferer can have the tendency to develop a white patch after getting a cut mark or burn mark or even after a simple scratch. This condition should be avoided as much as a person can avoid.
Swimming- Vitiligo is a sensitive skin disease and most of the times it gets aggravated after swimming sessions. The reason behind could be chlorinated water in the swimming pool, from which the skin reacts and as a reaction the patch starts growing. So it’s better to avoid swimming in vitiligo condition. Moreover fresh water swimming is considered safe up to some extent.
Mustard oil application- Use of mustard oil regularly provides better skin texture and maintains pigmentation overall. It protects the skin from getting several infections as it has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
Ayurvedic vitiligo Diet – Ayurveda has special diet chart for vitiligo patients in which food items like sour products, fermented products and mostly oily and spicy food items should be avoided. Wheat flour products, pulses, green leafy vegetables are allowed to take. Best effective under Specialized Ayurvedic Treatment for Vitiligo
Beet root & Carrot juice – Use of beetroot and carrot regularly helps in gaining pigmentation over white spot areas. Raw form can be taken as salad and juice can also be taken regularly for better immunity and improving hemoglobin count.
Water from Copper vessel – Copper is an important component in treating vitiligo as it is required for better Liver function to correct the metabolism. Copper also helps in restoration of pigments over skin cells by improving melanin production.
Most of the home remedies like mustard oil and turmeric and others have no scientific proofs. Following them could be harmful and some times disastrous. Understanding the complicated nature of vitiligo in mind, it's better to take Consultation & Treatment from a Vitiligo specialist.
Which Vitiligo Diet can help in Control & Spread of Vitiligo?
There are several food items which helps in vitiligo spreading control. Beetroot & carrot are some of them. These helps in melanin binding & helps in stoppage of vitiligo.
How Ayurvedic Treatment for Vitiligo is done at Home?
Ayurvedic treatment helps to regain pigmentation over the spots. The work is done through herbs which are oral & topical. In few weeks of treatment Results of pigmentation starts over the white spot areas. Initial symptom of healing comes in shape of brown dots or sidewise shrinking. The treatment remains for home use which is easily gets adapted with lifestyle. Consultation with specialist regularly helps to heal faster. Treatment can be started Online.