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Vitiligo Treatment

How Successful is Vitiligo Treatment ?

Being an autoimmune disease, Vitiligo is a complex disorder with a state related to self-destructing melanocyte cells due to impaired immunity system. As a result, production of skin pigment- "melanin" gets affected and loss of colour may happen over some of the skin areas. This can result into emergence of small colourless white spots on the skin. After formation of few small spots, these spots may try to merge into each other. The merger of small vitiligo spots helps in formation of large size patches in due course of time. This is the most common pattern of vitiligo formation.
Production of melanin pigment is done by melanocytes in melanosomes through a process named melanogenesis. It is a complex process and the melanocyte interacts with immune, endocrine, inflammatory and central nervous systems and its activity is also regulated by medicines, lifestyle & ultraviolet radiation. 
Vitiligo treatment is done best by stabilizing and improving immunity. For permanency in results immunity stabilization is the only solution which can be wisely understood by knowing some Vitiligo awareness facts. Vitiligo treatment at Ayurhealthline is done successfully through Ayurveda. Its a treatment which is Herbal - Ayurvedic and can be available worldwide after online consultation with the specialist here. 
Is Vitiligo a skin disease?  
Terming Vitiligo a skin disease is not correct. It is a disorder related to immune system disturbance. Vitiligo is considered an auto-immune disorder. Its a disorder realted with immunology. As seen and experienced, Skin doctors are of less help in Vitiligo. Treatment of white spots with corticosteroids & other drugs like immuno-modulators may provide some temporary solution but ultimately these may cause serious complications. One thing should be understood wisely "One cannot suppress Vitiligo by taking harsh medicines & ointments.” Chemical/suppressive treatments may show some temporary results initially but later on such treatments can lead to many other side effects including vitiligo spots spreading and making the patch-skin area stubborn.
Is Vitiligo related to Depression ? 
The emergence of vitiligo exerts lot of worries and mental pressure on sufferers mind. This depression may also lead to further spreading of vitiligo. This condition can be well controlled and managed by Herbal treatment. Ayurvedic Treatment for Vitiligo emphasises on recifying the root cause. The root cause of Vitiligo is widely considered “autoimmunity” a self-destruction condition under which the body defence cells starts destruction of its own cells and tissues which ultimately disturbs melanogenesis. This disturbance may result into nil production of pigments and due to this the skin becomes colour-less over some areas.
Can Vitiligo be treated through Ayurveda ? 
Ayurveda has mentioned this condition in its textbooks some 5000 years ago and denoted odd-food combination (virudh-ahar-sevan) as its prime cause. Vitiligo Treatment in Ayurveda focuses on this and the herbs actually works on body metabolism to fight the ‘autoimmune syndrome”. Under treatment the herbs with photosynthetic action are also administered for re-pigmentation and regulation of melanogenesis. In other words the Vitiligo sufferers gradually gets treated with herbal formulations to restore pigmentation over the white patch area and to establish the lost immunity by correcting the body metabolism under Ayurvedic Vitiligo treatment.
What is the best Treatment for Vitiligo ?
Pigment cycle normalization remains the focus of any vitiligo treatment. There are various chemical and light-based treatments which claim about pigmentation. But these UV and steroid based treatments can only provide temporary pigmentation and will be having much side effects on vital organs. Such treatments cant have long lasting effects as they work on symptoms only. 
Vitiligo require treatment which can work on the reason. Ayurveda treatment for Vitiligo has been considered best treatment for vitiligo as it works on stabilizing immunity and restoration of pigmentation cycle. 
Once the pigmentation cycle becomes normal the colour over the skin recovers and complete cure of vitiligo can be achieved. Along with treatment Ayurveda teaches about specific foods to be avoided in faster recovery from vitiligo. Ayurveda has safe solution for vitiligo which are free from any side or adverse effects. This wholistic effort of Ayurveda makes it best treatment for Vitiligo in World. 
Anti Vitiligo kit treatment by Ayurhealthline
Best Vitiligo Treatment Ayurhealthline
Ayurhealthline proudly has served and serving across world as a Vitiligo Specialty Clinic since past 20 years. Vitiligo Treatment in India at Ayurhealthline is globally available as its customised Anti Vitiligo kit. The treatment is completely "customised and the kit differs from patient to patient depending on their case history." Vitiligo treatment is done best through herbal formulation personally Researched and Developed by Vitiligo Doctor : Dr. Ravish Kamal, B.A.M.S., Certified in Diet, Nutrition & Immunity Treatment from National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India. The patient is given customised herbal formulations for home use in form of oral capsules, applicable oils and/or powder. 
How the Ayurvedic treatment works with the use of Anti Vitiligo kit ? What is "Pigment Cycle Normalization" process by Ayurhealthline ? 


The Anti Vitiligo Kit has unique and pure Herbal combinations. The photosynthetic Herbs promotes re-pigmentation of white spots by causing tingling effect over the dormant melanocyte cells triggering melanogenesis. The tingling effect basically energizes the cells to start work again after continuous effort done by photosensitive Herbs. In areas where the cells got dead, re-pigmentation gets started by migration of melanocytes from the surrounding epidermis layer & from the hair follicles. The inactive melanocytes in the hair follicle are the source of new melanocytes as these are not Vitiligo affected and are fresh. Our Ayurvedic treatment helps to increase the number of both active and inactive melanocytes. The final target of Ayurvedic vitiligo treatment at Ayurhealthline is to restore "Pigment cycle". Once the Pigment cycle normalization occurs, there are no chances of relapse of Vitiligo again.
best vitiligo treatment in ayurveda

ANTI VITILIGO KIT - components 

For white patches treatment, Anti Vitiligo Kit treatment herbs are taken orally and applied topically. Topical application is useful for small lesions along with oral pills which are effective in treatment of multiple lesions also. 
Anti Vitiligo capsules- Works on melanocytes to restart pigmentation process. Helps in re-pigmentation by photosynthetic activity of its herbs.
Immuno capsules – Helps in immunity improvement and stabilisation. Unique herbal formulation responsible to reduce and control spreading of white spots. Works on root cause.
Pigment Catalizer – Works as catalyst and makes the whole process faster. Herbs inside Helps the Anti vitiligo capsules for faster action.
Anti vitiligo application oil/ powder- These are topical applications and helps in pigmentation along with the herbal oral pills.
There are two important aspects of Vitiligo treatment under Ayurhealthline – First is to improve and stabilize immunity system for spreading control and Second is to re-initiate pigmentation over the white spots. The herbal medicines works as immunity rectifier and restores pigmentation gradually over the white patches by reactivating melanocyte cells. It also rectifies disturbances in metabolic system gradually. In this way it helps to control the spreading of vitiligo also.
The Anti Vitiligo kit is customized as per the case and guided personally by the Dr.Ravish either online or through personal consultation.
Results of Anti vitiligo kit treatment and healing patterns: 
There are three type of healing patterns found after intake of Ayurhealthline Anti vitiligo treatment medicines. Generally, The initial starting positive results can be generally seen after few weeks during Ayurhealthline Vitiligo treatment. 
First healing pattern type - Brown dots formation- The re-pigmentation starts as tiny brownish spots starts to appear on the white patches. These small darker spots keep spreading and enlarging covering the white spot area into normal skin. The abnormal whiteness disappears gradually. 
Vitiligo Treatment
Second healing pattern type- Side wise squeezing-  The border margin of white patches starts to get darker due to melanin deposition and accumulation. These start squeezing and shrink the patch area converting white skin into normal skin colour by re-pigmentation.
             Vitiligo treatment in Ayurveda            
Third healing pattern type- Pink conversion- The whole white patch area gets pinkish tone due to improved blood circulation and melanocyte activation which gradually starts pigmenting the whole white area. Gradually the patch develops normal skin colour. 
    Ayurvedic Vitiligo treatment
The healing pattern may vary patient to patient which is based on severity of cases. Interestingly, in some cases all the three healing patterns gets initiated simultaneously which helps in faster cure of vitiligo. In this way, vitiligo cure can be achieved by Ayurveda.
Are there additives for faster vitiligo treatment results ? 
Along with Ayurvedic medicines, some food restrictions should also be followed for faster relief. Patient has to follow vitiligo diet chart about what to eat and what to restrict during treatment. Some lifestyle restrictions like avoiding swimming in chlorinated water sources, avoiding prolonged day time sun exposure can be helpful in Vitiligo. Wearing tight fitting clothes and use of pesticides as wearables should be avoided in Vitiligo.
As per experience of Ayurhealthline, the diet restriction and few lifestyle restrictions play major role in pigment restoration and spread control during vitiligo treatment. 
Ayurvedic ANTI VITILIGO KIT TREATMENT is much acclaimed 100% Ayurvedic Vitiligo treatment in India, and it has brought smiles back on faces of many vitiligo sufferers across world with 90% repeat order rate.
Ayurhealthline understands the seriousness of this disorder as a vitiligo specialty clinic and offers help in treatment of vitiligo by its vitiligo awareness guides, Blogs, articles published in various online websites and social platforms regularly. It offers its free help to vitiligo patients regarding correct diet restrictions by its Vitiligo food page. 
ANTI VITILIGO KIT TREATMENT is available and can be taken by anyone across the world through this website.

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Disclaimer *Results may vary person to person*