Lips Vitiligo Treatment
Vitiligo, characterized by the loss of skin pigment which forms colorless patches over skin. It’s such a powerful disorder mentally that it can affect one’s self-esteem and confidence. In a country like INDIA which is rich in traditional healing therapies, Ayurveda, offer a ray of hope for those seeking effective treatment of vitiligo.
Vitiligo on the lips is getting common these days as it’s a mucosal area, colour-fading occurrence over the area and is generally noticeable after a few weeks of its onset at the time when it recedes from the lip margin. The onset pattern of lip vitiligo is generally from inner to outer side of the lip.
Cause of lip vitiligo also relates to auto-immune syndrome, as in abrupt food habits, odd food combinations intake, prolonged or repetitive uses of harsh chemical-based medicines, using harsh chemicals over lip area, eating Paan masala, doing smoking are some of them.
Auto-immune trigger can initiate due to abrupt food behavior, abrupt lifestyle, uses of steroids etc. In such situations the inside immunity gets into panic mode and as a result it starts to destroy its own cells resulting in destruction of melanin forming cells. Production of melanin gets halted and colorless skin appears after that over the lip area which we term vitiligo.
Uses of Harsh-lip colors over the area sometimes causes erosion of skin over the lip. Sometime the caused allergy forms boil like structure over the lip area. Sensitive areas like the lip get easily affected in mild situations also. As that’s the most exposed area of the human body.
Is there a Successful Treatment for Lip Vitiligo?
Treatment of vitiligo over the lip area is done mainly with the help of internal Ayurvedic medication as there are no visible skin pores over the lip area. The absorption of topical lotion-oil is almost negligible over the lip area. Topical application offers less help in lip (mucosal) area vitiligo.
There are various ointments with steroids available in the market but are having temporary effects. Using those ointments for lip vitiligo treatment is not worth due to their limited effects. Orally multi-vitamins are prescribed which also may have negative effect due to multiple vitamins actions. Some of the vitamins like Vitamin-C and Omega-3 are having negative effect on lip vitiligo. Consumption of these has shown lip vitiligo aggression and spreading in most of the cases. The said restricted vitamins could be present inside the multi-vitamin tablets. This way taking multi-vitamins in vitiligo is not advised.
Benefits of Lip Vitiligo Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurvedic Treatment for Vitiligo on lips is the most successful Treatment. Oral and fine applicable herbal oil is prescribed to patients for re-pigmentation over lip vitiligo. Application along with the oral medicines have two-way effect over the lip vitiligo.
Unlike other treatments, Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo on lips has equal two-way effect from both internal as well as external application medicines. This two-way effort makes Ayurveda treatment for lip vitiligo faster and more accurate as compared to other treatments. The oil application used over lip vitiligo has specialized penetrating power which works with oral Ayurvedic medicines and has targeted response over the lip vitiligo spots.
Certain Food restrictions along with Ayurvedic treatment works as wonder for lip vitiligo. Ayurvedic medicines used for lip vitiligo treatment helps to reactivates the melanocytes with their herbal actions. This reactivation process gets initiated in 6-8 weeks under treatment. This way these are helpful to reinitiate the production of melanin pigment. Immunity medicines made from herbs are used to stabilize immunity. This works for vitiligo spreading control and pigment cycle normalization for permanency in results.
Following specialist advice, Specialized Ayurvedic treatment, instructed food and lifestyle restrictions can help in lip vitiligo treatment cure. One should be optimistic and remain positive regarding cure of vitiligo.