Vitiligo Treatment Consultation Online
What’s More beneficial?
Online or Offline Vitiligo Consultation & Treatment
Online treatment refers to counselling and consultation services conducted over the internet with the help of computer, tablet, or smartphone.
There are many reasons people should opt for Online Consultation & Treatment over in-person treatment. Here are a few reasons:
1. Online Consultation offers access to vitiligo treatment to people even beyond boundaries. Those who live in different countries and locations may not have an herbal vitiligo specialist in their locations. Online Treatment connects them directly to the Vitiligo specialist at the comfort of their home.
2. In present hi-tech time, mode of online consultation has several remarkable options for call & video consultation. Lot of popular applications like WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Meet etc. are available free for the same. In vitiligo using such applications, the specialist could minutely diagnose the affected white spot area and can make a case history instantly. The gathered case history helps the specialist in customization of the Anti-vitiligo treatment.
3. Also those who live in distant countries, cities and locations simply might not have access to any other form of vitiligo treatment because of absence of vitiligo specialists in their area. They can also avail the online consultation and treatment.
4. Online Vitiligo Treatment is quite affordable and convenient. Since you’ll be consulting online in the comfort of your home, you can often schedule your consultations for times that are the most convenient for you and at Ayurhealthline ONLINE VITILIGO CONSULTATION is Free.
5. You also don’t have to cover long distances and take significant time out of your busy schedule to seek in-person treatment. If you have reliable internet access, you can get relatively easy and quick access to online vitiligo treatment by saving your time and money too.
6. The internet makes Vitiligo Treatment more approachable. Online access makes it easier to overcome the stigma that has historically been attached to vitiligo disorder.
7. Ayurhealthline has pioneered in Vitiligo consultation and treatment online as since year 2005 this online facility has helped so many sufferers of Vitiligo across world. In last 20 years online treatment for vitiligo at Ayurhealthline has involved so much that Online consultation & treatment percentage is quite high as compared to offline patients from more than 65 countries.
8. Ayurhealthline is a Vitiligo Specialty Clinic. In last 20 years we have successfully treated much older history as well as newer cases of vitiligo with our researched ayurvedic medicines across World. We do root cause removal treatment by Herbal formulations which are researched & developed in-house using authentic & pure INDIAN HERBS. The results remain permanent and there are no side or adverse effects.
Ayurhealthline has got “Best unique Global Ayurvedic Vitiligo Clinic” award at HEALTHCARE AWARD in 2016. It has also been awarded ISO 9001:2015 through EGAC-IAF-TABU (accreditation body of Egypt and New Zealand) and is ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED CLINIC. It has gathered great name & reputation in treating Vitiligo & Leucoderma in past 19 years.
We have direct regular online patients across the world from countries like USA, Canada, Australia, UK, France, New Zealand, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, South Africa, Kenya, Peru, Portugal, Zimbabwe, China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Iran, Bahrain, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal etc.
The highlight of Ayurhealthline is that it’s not a product selling clinic, but it is a CLINIC from where a vitiligo or Leucoderma sufferer gets continuous support regarding treatment, do's & don’ts during treatment from me either online or personally.
We call it Treatment beyond the boundaries.
VITILIGO SPECIALIST CONSULTATION by filling the ONLINE Consultation Form(Pioneer in Vitiligo Online Consultation & Treatment since 2005 across World)
By sending Vitiligo affected area pictures or by 10-15 minutes AUDIO/CHAT/VIDEO consultation with Vitiligo specialist Dr.Ravish to understand the nature of Vitiligo along with prakriti(Vataj/Pittaj/Kaphaj) of body.
Diagnosis of Vitiligo is done by observing the affected areas either through pictures/video or by personally checking it. Online Consultation Form is inspected by Specialist minutely to create a CASE-HISTORY FILE.
On basis of CASE-HISTORY and spot area diagnosis, a customized ANTI VITILIGO treatment is finalized and offered to the patient for optimum results and holistic healing.
A specific unique patient Reference number is provided to every patient for Free consultation in between treatment from Specialist.