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Vitiligo & Ayurhealthline

Ayurhealthline and Vitiligo

Ayurhealthline: As a specialised Ayurvedic clinic it is treating Vitiligo & Leucoderma patients only across world since past 20 years as a "Vitiligo Specialty Clinic" under guidance of Dr.Ravish Kamal.    
The prime focus here remains on treatment of Leucoderma and Vitiligo patients through our unique herbal medicines. Ayurhealthline follows most ancient system of medicine, "Ayurveda". The basic theory of treatment at Ayurhealthline is to provide immunity to the sufferer along with treating the root cause of the disease.
The patient is treated with customised Herbal Anti Vitiligo Kit, which starts action on the root cause of disease. It works to start re-pigmentation by activating dormant pigment producing melanocyte cells. Along with this the herbs also rectify the immune system in a way to check the relapse of disease. This uniqueness of our Ayurvedic therapy makes the treatment most effective for vitiligo treatment and differentiates it from all other available treatment types. While treatment, a patient's immunity is developed and stabilized with help of Herbal immuno-stabilizers. The immunity gets balanced to such extent, that the patient's body automatically counteracts the disease causing agents.
The USP of Ayurhealthline Vitiligo Specialty treatment clinic is that the treatment offered here is "not same for all". The Vitiligo treatment kit is completely customized as per the case before handling over to patients. The customization is done under guidance of our specialist & founder Dr.Ravish Kamal based on the case history provided by patients through online consultation or through personal consultation. This customized Anti Vitiligo Kit works to the point on patients metabolism and the process of detoxification along with rectification and improvements in immunity system starts sooner. The patients has the option to provide monthly updates & feedback directly to our specialist by mail or by using any messenger platform. Based on updates received by patients the ongoing treatment gets updated.
Ayurhealthline has pioneered in Vitiligo treatment and it is not a product selling clinic but, it is a place from where a Vitiligo or Leucoderma sufferer gets continuous support regarding treatment, do's & don'ts during treatment from our specialist himself/herself either online or personally.
For Vitiligo and Leucoderma treatment combination of oral and topical Herbal medicines are administered under :  Anti Vitiligo Kit
The Anti Vitiligo kit is a treatment kit Researched & Developed by Dr.Ravish kamal, B.A.M.S. (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines & Surgery), "Dabur awarded" Ayurvedic Doctor after his extensive determination towards Vitiligo patients & its treatment.
The Anti Vitiligo kit is a wholesome treatment which consists of Anti Vitiligo Capsules, Immuno Capsules, Pigment Catalizers, Anti Vitiligo oil application which are fully customised by the expert before dispesing to a patient.    The herbs help to start initial re-pigmentation over the white patches after certain weeks of starting treatment. Three types of healing patterns can be seen with the help of Anti vitiligo treatment by Ayurhealthline.
In the First healing pattern type the re-pigmentation gets started in form of very small brownish spots over the white patches. These darker spots keep enlarging and the skin gradually converts normal. The whiteness gradually disappears. In the Second pattern type periphery of white spots get darker and starts shrinking the patch area converting the white skin into body skin colour gradually. Under Third healing pattern type the whole patch area converts pinkish or red which later converts into normal skin colour. The healing pattern could vary in patients. In some cases all the three healing patterns could be found which can help a vitiligo spot to heal faster. So, with the help of herbs, Vitiligo can be healed and managed by Ayurveda. 
The treatment also guides about the food & diet restrictions along with few lifestyle restrictions which are important in Vitiligo. A person suffering from Vitiligo at least can stop its spreading only by following the food restrictions suggested by our clinic.   
Patients from across world have shown great faith on Ayurhealthline since past 20 years. And in reply Ayurhealthline has succeeded to bring smile back on its most of patients face.
Testimonials & real Result pictures (all have valid proofs) shared on website tells the story of its success.
Vitiligo treatment in Ayurveda


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