Since past more than 5000 years Ayurveda has been holistically treating patients suffering from various ailments. It’s the most primitive life science which is available in modern time and still the best in treatment of various untreatable diseases and diseases mostly related to immune system of body..
Ayurveda has a unique way of treatment as it treats the disease from its roots. This theory of root cause removal along with treatment makes it different from all other treatments available.
Not only it treats the disease, it also improves the immunity of the sufferer so that there may not be relapse of the disease.
There are three elements (dosas) in our body ‘vata’, ‘pitta’ and ‘kapha’. These are also called tripods in Ayurveda. These three has to be in equilibrium for complete health of a person. Imbalance of these can lead to diseases. Any treatment under Ayurveda is made in a view to balance these three tripods for complete removal of the disease. Ayurvedic medicines are made from herbs, thus there are no side effects involved in treatment with these medicines. Herbs are chosen for a particular disease as per its property and as per the vitiated “dosas” present in the disease.
Immunity improvement from Ayurvedic medicines helps to remove the illness from inside permanently. Also, it improves the body defense system against disease causing viruses, bacteria and other agents.
The herbal medicines used in Ayurveda treatment does not cause any side or adverse effects and are safe enough for small kids even. But this does not mean that these herbal Ayurvedic medicines are to be taken without an Ayurvedic practitioner advice. Proper instructions and advice has to be taken from a qualified Ayurvedic Doctor/Vaidya before administration of any Ayurvedic herbal medicine or treatment.
Government of India is also doing various activities and promotions time to time through “AYUSH” department for generating awareness about the unexplored treasure of Ayurveda Globally.
Modern medical science has now understood the facts and benefits of Ayurveda. We can now see every big pharmaceutical company is coming up with their herbal division for the same reason.
Ayurveda is now popular across world and people are getting aware about its benefits and holistic treatment nature.
A qualified Ayurvedic Doctor holds B.A.M.S degree which means Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines and Surgery. There is high demand of qualified Ayurvedic practitioners across world.