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Leucoderma cure

Leucoderma Cure possible?

Leucoderma is defined as a white mark over skin with prominent border margin. It is diagnosed after appearance of a depigmented skin area. A cut or scratch can cause Leucoderma marks over skin.

Cause of Leucoderma

  • Accidental as cut or burn
  • Lesser Immunity
  • Due to an allergic reaction from a deodorant or perfume
  • Allergy from chemicals
  • Continuous work in extreme heat conditions
  • Frequent temperature variation
  • Sudden atmospheric changes
The nature of Leucoderma can be defined as it is an accidental mark.  Generally, after a cut or burn the skin colour gets back to normal in few weeks after healing of the wound. But if the person has lesser immunity or he has lost the basal epidermal layer where the melanocytes is situated then the skin colour loss can happen because of the pigment producing cells. It can be termed as Leucoderma.

Emergence of Vitiligo can be generally seen after Leucoderma which can get associated and makes it more complicated.

 Leucoderma spot   Leucoderma cure

 Leucoderma treatment results after 6 month treatment from Ayurhealthline

Leucoderma cure can be done with the help of Ayurvedic treatment and medicines. As the Ayurvedic treatment consists of herbs which regulates the metabolic system, it helps in providing better immunity condition to the body. The improved immunity helps in control of further spreading of the white patches. Leucoderma is considered as a symptom of vitiligo. After few weeks of herbal intake, the tendency of getting newer spots after a cut or scratch can be omitted.

Secondly the herbs which are used in Leucoderma treatment are photosynthetic in nature. The photosensitive nature of herbs starts pigmentation over the white spots within 6-9 weeks of intake. In this way Leucoderma cure can be done through Ayurvedic medicinal herbs under guidance of a herbalist or an Ayurvedic Leucoderma specialist.

For Leucoderma treatment the medicines available are in the form of capsules filled with herbal extracts for oral intake. Topical application is in form of Anti vitiligo powder and Anti vitiligo oil.


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