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Vitiligo Treatment USA


The word Vitiligo defines itself as it is a disease with white skin. Etiologically Vitiligo and Leucoderma are different from each other as the former starts due to autoimmunity only and the latter starts with a cut, burn or after a skin allergy. There are about 1% of population affected by Vitiligo in countries like USA. Despite its very low percentage in this region, the amount of botheration remains the same on a sufferer's mind.
The first holistic Health conference in California, USA was started in 1975 with lots of innovations. It has brought together more than 100 entrepreneurs that time with best minds in the field of developing Holistic herbal organizations. That event was finally a recognition of holistic health & Ayurveda in USA.
Ayurveda is a 5000 year old practice & needs no introduction in healing world which has now got aware of its masterpiece in cure management of a disease. The Holistic approach of Ayurveda makes it different in treatment & management of vitiligo. 
Research in Ayurveda suggests that Vitiligo is defined “Switra” an immune deficiency disease which starts after toxicity inside the body. Primitive textbooks of Ayurveda like “Charaka Samhita”, “Susurata Samhita” indicates toxic substance forms due to intake of various known & unknown food combinations. These toxins have negative impact on immunity system of body. The formation of autoimmune disease like vitiligo relates to this theory of Ayurveda.  
Autoimmunity is considered as the most acceptable cause of vitiligo. The condition of autoimmunity causes dormancy of melanocytes which stops pigment production and it results into emergence of a white spot.  
Melanin is the pigment responsible for skin colour. Absence of this causes Vitiligo. Melanogenesis is a biological and biochemical process for production of melanin. Enzymic reactions of tyrosinase a protein that convert tyrosine to form two melanin pigments. One is brownish-black pigment and second remains yellowish-red pigment in melanocytes which in combination forms Melanin. Fully pigmented melanosomes gets delivered to inner layer (keratinocytes) of skin and hair. In human skin, brownish-black pigment(eumelanin) and brownish-black pigment(pheomelanin) are mixed automatically. The mixing ratio of two melanin pigments gets determined by specific genetic variations and race.
The condition of autoimmunity is directly related to food habits, hygiene and lifestyle. Regular stress and trauma can not be overlooked here. 
Intake of processed food, junk food & omission of freshly prepared food intake are the vital reasons behind onset of Vitiligo or other autoimmune disorders in American society.
According to Ayurveda, the prime reason for vitiligo could be "ahar-virudha" which refers to odd-food combination. Ayurveda believes that the toxin produced by such food comnbination can harm the body immunity. As a result disease like Vitiligo can occur. The line of treatment for Vitiligo inside herbal treatment targets the same reason and due to this successful results can be obtained. 
More details about cause of Vitiligo can be seen here 
Medical – The medical treatment includes topical and oral steroids to prevent further spread of a vitiligo spot for the time being. Some immunomodulators are also used for it. In Vitiligo the medical treatment is of less help, and it is seen that it complicated vitiligo cases. Symptomatic treatments are seen not helping much in Vitiligo & Leucoderma.
UV Light - Ultraviolet light therapy is used to promote pigmentation over a white spot in which patient is exposed to UV light for a certain duration daily/weekly. This kind of treatment is also temporary as it acts by force on melanocyte cells to promote pigmentation. The results came after such treatment could not last long. Prolonged use of UV can cause cancer & other devastating diseases on skin.
Herbal treatment - Ayurveda - Herb based natural treatment for Vitiligo is getting more acceptable & popular in USA. Herbs are considered safe and are having no side effects. Thus, are safe in case of small kids also. Vitiligo treatment in USA has the option to be done with Herbal - Ayurvedic medicines. This kind of treatment includes herbs for topical application as well as oral pills in form of herbal capsules. The herbs prescribed in vitiligo treatment work to restore pigmentation by gently acting on melanocyte cells for restoration of suspended work of pigment production. Herbs also work to rectify the disturbed immunity system gradually to stabilize it and to fight with autoimmune condition. In a way it acts on the root cause of vitiligo and acclaimed to be most successful and safe treatment option in treating vitiligo.
Vitiligo USA 
Ayurhealthline – A Global Herbal Vitiligo Speciality clinic of its kind, which has pioneered treating vitiligo and Leucoderma since past 20 years. Ayurhealthline has got “Best unique Global Ayurvedic Vitiligo Clinic” award at HEALTHCARE AWARD in 2016. It has also been awarded ISO 9001:2015 through EGAC-IAF-TABU(accreditation body of Egypt and New Zealand) and has delivered true results and acclaimed name in treating only Vitiligo patients with no relapse across world. It focuses on ancient and natural Ayurvedic techniques to make its Anti vitiligo kit treatment formulation worth for treatment of vitiligo and Leucoderma. The holistic treatment approach makes it unique for Vitiligo treatment.
Sufferers from all over the world get treated from Ayurhealthline for their vitiligo problem regularly.
# A case history of patient is made first with inputs provided by them as online consultation & spot area pictures received.
# Patient is conveyed about Option of Video Consultation by Zoom or WhatApp directly with the Specialist, Dr.Ravish.
# Dr.Ravish personally gathers all information & inputs for clear diagnosis & treatment.
# Patient gets an e mail/WhatsApp reply directly about his treatment details.
# He or She can start treatment Online
# After Online order they get customized Anti vitiligo kit with prescription & other details.
The efficacy of herbs works faster as the treatment is customized as per case history. Old cases of vitiligo also get treated fast with the use of Herbal Pigment catalizer capsules supplied with the Anti Vitiligo kit treatment in USA. 


How Anti Vitiligo Kit Treatment works

Anti Vitiligo Kit has been Researched & Developed by Dr.Ravish after years of his sincere studies & practice. The Anti Vitiligo Kit is a herb formulation which has further evolved in past 20 years providing smiles in numerous Vitiligo sufferers across Globe. The treatment is customized, and the kit medicines are based on the case history of a patient along with the patch condition over his/her body.
After start of treatment the Herbs inside ensure immunity stabilization gradually which is a total internal process. It helps to correct the body metabolism and improves detoxification process of body. Moreover, it takes 2-3 months to initiate the immunity improvement and stabilization process. Once the process gets started, one can start seeing control in Vitiligo spreading & new spots formation. After few more months spreading of white spots gets stopped completely under treatment.
Along with this Pigmentation process over the white lesions also takes place. The herbs inside Anti vitiligo kit with the help of natural photosynthetic activities reactivates the dormant "Melanocyte" cells which predominantly helps in starting "Melanogenesis" - Pigment production process. This process may take 2 -2.5 months to gets started. Thus, the initial signs of pigmentation can be seen over the Vitiligo spots in pattern brown dots formation or border darkness over the spots.
This process of pigmentation continues with the treatment till the coverage of spots. After certain period the pigmentation cycle improves & becomes normal with the help of Herbal treatment. Treatment can be stopped after that with consultation of the specialist.
The Anti Vitiligo Kit treatment is pure Herbal Ayurvedic safe formulation, completely customised and depends on patient's case history. Online consultation is must for this.
Some diet restriction should be followed for faster healing of a white spot. It also can help in faster spreading control and in pigmentation.
Based on authentic Ayurveda we have successfully treated and treating many Americans, Indian Americans and lots of vitiligo sufferers from United States. Our repeat orders are almost 90% based on our success results.  We have also successfully treated many tougher cases of vitiligo of lips and palms. Vitiligo Treatment USA page is completely devoted for our old and willing patients from USA. 
Vitiligo treatment in USA




 Consultation Form(Pioneer in Vitiligo Online Consultation & Treatment since 2005 across World)
 By sending Vitiligo affected area pictures or by 10-15 minutes AUDIO/CHAT/VIDEO consultation with Vitiligo specialist Dr.Ravish to understand the nature of Vitiligo along with prakriti(Vataj/Pittaj/Kaphaj) of body.



Diagnosis of Vitiligo is done by observing the affected areas either through pictures/video or by personally checking it. Online Consultation Form is inspected by Specialist minutely to create a CASE-HISTORY FILE.
In suspect cases of Vitiligo, where diagnosis is not clear, we do Wood's Lamp Examination also or ask the patient to get diagnosed locally.


On basis of CASE-HISTORY and spot area diagnosis, a customized ANTI VITILIGO treatment is finalized and offered to the patient for optimum results and holistic healing.

A specific unique patient Reference number is provided to every patient for Free consultation in between treatment from Specialist.


Minute Dietary Food Restrictions for Vitiligo is guided by the Vitiligo Specialist to each patient for best results.

 Vitiligo Helpline for USA/CANADA +1 (336) 365-3164 

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Disclaimer *Results may vary person to person*